Percorso:okDatasheet > Tutti i fornitori > ADI Scheda > ADI-128

-2100JP AD1861R-J AD9218-65PCB AD7664 AD5539N AD679AD AD7854AQ AD7243BQ AD7872 AD811AR-20 AD713JR-16 ADM209ARS AD845JR-16 ADG201AKP AD8031ART-REEL7 ADM8698ARW MUX24EQ AD7811 AD595 AD976BN OP470EY ADG221BN AD5280BRU200 AD7701 AD7720 AD815AY AD7537LP DAC08CS OP484ES

ADI Schede di catalogo-128

Parte n.FabbricanteApplicazione
5962-9559701MPA ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.3W; low distortion, wide bandwidth voltage feedback clamp amplifier. For ADC buffer, IF/RF signal processing and high quality imaging
ADSP-2100JP ADI0.3-7V; speed 6.144MHz; 12.5 MIPS microprocessor. For optimized for DSP algorithms including, digital filtering, fast fourier transforms,image processing, radar, sonar speech processing and telecommunications
AD1861R-J ADI0-6.50V; 18-bit, 16 x Fs PCM audio DAC.For high-end compact disc players, digital audio amplifiers, DAT recorders and players
AD9218-65PCB ADI3V; 500mW; 10-bit dual A/D converter. For battery-powered instruments, hand-held scopemeters, low cost digital oscilloscopes
AD7664 ADI16-Bit, 570kSPS CMOS ADC
AD5539N ADI10V; 550mW; ultrahigh frequency operational amplifier
AD679AD ADI0.3-18.0V; 14-bit 128 kSPS complete sampling ADC
AD7854AQ ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; single supply, 200kSPS 12-bit sampling ADC. For battery-powered systems, pen computers
AD7243BQ ADI12-Bit serial DACPORT +/- 1/2 LSB
AD7872 ADICMOS, Complete 14-Bit Sampling ADC with Serial Output
AD811AR-20 ADIHigh performance video operational amplifier
AD713JR-16 ADI-18V;quad precision, low cost, high speed, BiFET Op Amp. For active filters, quad output buffers for 12and 14-bit DACs
ADM209ARS ADI0.3-6V; nominal5V; 500-1000mW; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments
AD845JR-16 ADI18V; 1.6W; 16MHz, 1.1W; precision CBFET Op Amp
ADG201AKP ADI44V; 470mW; LC2MOS quad SPST switches
AD8031ART-REEL7 ADI2.7V; 80MHz rail-to-rail I/O amplifier. For high speed battery-operated systems, high component density systems
ADM8698ARW ADI0.3-6V; 500mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controller
MUX24EQ ADI36V; 25mA; 8-channel/dual 4-chan JFET analog multiplexer. For geometry correction in high-resolution CRT displays
AD7811 ADI10-Bit, 4-Channel, 350 kSPS, Serial A/D Converter
AD595 ADIMonolithic Thermocouple Amplifier with Cold Junction Compensation Pretrimmed for Type K Thermocouples
AD976BN ADI25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter
OP470EY ADI18V; 25mA; very low noise quad operational amplifier
ADG221BN ADI44V; 30mA; 470mW; LC2MOS quad SPST switch
AD5280BRU200 ADI15V; I2C compatible digital potentiometer
AD7701 ADI16-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC
AD7720 ADICMOS Sigma-Delta Modulator with 90 dB Dynamic Range
AD815AY ADI18V; 20mA; high output current differential driver. For ADSL, HDLS and VDSL line interface driver, coil or transformer driver
AD7537LP ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS (8+4) loading dual 14-bit DAC. For automatic test equipment, programmable filters, auduo applications, synchro applications and process control
DAC08CS ADISupply voltage +-36V; 4.25mA; 8-bit, high speed, multiplying D/A converter
OP484ES ADI18V; 33MHz; precision rail-to-rail input & output operational amplifier. For battery-powered instrumnetation, power supply control and protection

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