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Parte n.Applicazione
EIA1213-4P 12.75-13.25GHz, 4W internally matched power FET
EPA240B 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EIA1314A-2P 13.0-14.5GHz, 2W internally matched power FET
EFC240B-100F 10-14V low distortion GaAs power FET
EFA240BV 8-12V low distortion GaAs power FET
EFC240B 10-14V low distortion GaAs power FET
EPA960B 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EIB1718A-2P 17.3-18.1GHz, 1W internally matched power FET
EPA240D-SOT89 DC-6 GHz, 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EFA080A 8-12V low distortion GaAs power FET
EPA018BV 6-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EIA1819-1P 18.7-19.7GHz, 1W internally matched power FET
EPA030C 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EPA025A-70 6-10V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EPA080A-100F 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EPA018A 6-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EPA060BV 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EFA120B-100F 8-12V low distortion GaAs power FET
EFA160A 8-12V low distortion GaAs power FET
EPA480C-SOT89 DC-6 GHz 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EIB1818-1P 18.15-18.75GHz, 1W internally matched power FET
EFA018A-70 6-10V low distortion GaAs power FET
EPA080A-70 5-8V high efficiency heterojunction power FET
EFA120D-SOT89 7-12V low distortion GaAs power FET
EFA120B 8-12V low distortion GaAs power FET
EIB1314-2P 13.75-14.5GHz, 2W internally matched power FET
EPB018A7-70 4-5V high super low noise high gain heterojunction power FET
EPA160A 8-12V high efficiency heterojunction power FET

Excelics Profilo

Manufacturer of GaAs Field Effect Transistors and MMICs for low noise and high power RF & microwave applications.

Excelics Semiconductor IncSchede di catalogo

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