Percorso:OKDatasheet > Tutti i fornitori > Atmel Scheda > AT93C46-10SI-2.7
AT93C46-10SI-2.7 specifiche: 1K (128 x 8 or 64 x 16) 3-wire serial EEPROM, 1000KHz, 2.7V to 5.5V
Percorso:OKDatasheet > Tutti i fornitori > Atmel Scheda > AT93C46-10SI-2.7
AT93C46-10SI-2.7 specifiche: 1K (128 x 8 or 64 x 16) 3-wire serial EEPROM, 1000KHz, 2.7V to 5.5V
Fabbricante : Atmel
Viaggi : SOIC
Pins : 8
Temperatura : Min -40 °C | Max 85 °C
Dimensione : 267 KB
Applicazione : 1K (128 x 8 or 64 x 16) 3-wire serial EEPROM, 1000KHz, 2.7V to 5.5V