Percorso:OKDatasheet > Tutti i fornitori > Intel Scheda > SB81C51SL-AL
SB81C51SL-AL specifiche: Lov voltage keyboard controller. 16K ROM preprogrammed with systemSoft keyboard controller and scanner firmware. Vcc = 3.3V
Percorso:OKDatasheet > Tutti i fornitori > Intel Scheda > SB81C51SL-AL
SB81C51SL-AL specifiche: Lov voltage keyboard controller. 16K ROM preprogrammed with systemSoft keyboard controller and scanner firmware. Vcc = 3.3V
Fabbricante : Intel
Viaggi : SQFP
Pins : 100
Temperatura : Min 0 °C | Max 70 °C
Dimensione : 281 KB
Applicazione : Lov voltage keyboard controller. 16K ROM preprogrammed with systemSoft keyboard controller and scanner firmware. Vcc = 3.3V